Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is a Druid

A reader of this blog recently asked me to define what a Druid is. This is an interesting challenge because there is no consensus. Ask any three Druids the same question and you will get at least six different answers. That is nowhere more true than in the question of what makes one a Druid. So, the best I can do is explain what a Druid is to me.
My short answer is: A Druid is a wise man who specializes in man's relationship with nature and the otherworld and reminds us that we are fully part of both.
Here are what I think are some fundamental characteristics of Druids. Feel free to add to and take away from this list as your Awen (Spirit of Inspiration) guides you.
A love of nature and wilderness
Creativity: this can take any form you find ethical
Living in harmony with the rest of creation to the best of ones ability
A desire to preserve, disseminate and enhance knowledge
Awareness of the divine in all things including yourself and each other.
Phillip Carr-Gomm's three mystical Druid senses:common sense, a sense of proportion, and a sense of humour
Seeking enlightenment and wisdom from nature and inspiration.
Recognition of the power of words and language; (John 1)
That's enough for now. Feel free to add more in the comment section.
Yours under the non-definitive oaks
Nathair /|\


  1. like the nature part and living in harmony. not sure what Druidism (word?) is all about. will google it.
