My short answer is: A Druid is a wise man who specializes in man's relationship with nature and the otherworld and reminds us that we are fully part of both.
Here are what I think are some fundamental characteristics of Druids. Feel free to add to and take away from this list as your Awen (Spirit of Inspiration) guides you.
A love of nature and wilderness
Creativity: this can take any form you find ethical
Living in harmony with the rest of creation to the best of ones ability
A desire to preserve, disseminate and enhance knowledge
Awareness of the divine in all things including yourself and each other.
Phillip Carr-Gomm's three mystical Druid senses:common sense, a sense of proportion, and a sense of humour
Seeking enlightenment and wisdom from nature and inspiration.
Recognition of the power of words and language; (John 1)That's enough for now. Feel free to add more in the comment section.
Yours under the non-definitive oaks
Nathair /|\
like the nature part and living in harmony. not sure what Druidism (word?) is all about. will google it.